Thursday, August 2, 2012

Unspoken Words

The most powerful weapon in this planet ?
"A Girl"
Let me rephrase the question.. "powerful weapon in this world which is in silver color?"
"A Girl's Tear"
Bloody hell I came to say the phrase "Pen is Mightier than sword"
Words are the most dangerous weapon in this world (yeah, next to girls)

How many time have we felt that words cant exactly express what we feel ?
How many times we realize that when love comes in play words fail
When a deep regret comes into play words fail
When we are extremly sad or happy, words fail

Even in movies, that is why baground score is in place . But life dosent come with bg recordings. When words fail to express those moments would defenitly occoupy a great space in ur mind. What can we say to the fellows who comes and goes out of our life within a very short span of time and leave a permanent mark on our hearts. How will b describe them?

What will you say to a girl you love but you know you can never be together 
What will you say to a mother who just lost her kid 
What will you say about your first victory 
What will you say about the moment when the butterflies cause some reaction in ur stomach 
What will you say about your first bond of friendship 
What will you explain about the smell after rain 
What will you say about the feeling after crying

people say books portrait a great deal of feelings, orators make you cry , movies do make a great impact in our mind, a love letter would make you go crazy , midnight chats, chats in net , video chats, recorded voice mails, phone calls , pp numbers, even more. No matter how many ways are to convey your message, but you cant get the essence of unspoken words .

When guys murmur after drinking , swear words, broken heart tales, never ending love, first crush , life stories, many things come out of a mouth in a tasmac or any other bar . . . But what will happen if women in our society do the same ? Their deepest secret would come out .. How many aunts would have the same kind of feel like I have towards life . Will their unspoken words some out ? unaccepted love , untold love , breaking a love just for the sake of caste, community , creed, family , parents and many other things . A a girl can give out is a drop of tear and accept her new life


Yup , pen is mightier then a sword
Words are the best weapon . Until..... 
Unspoken Words Take Charge .. 

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