Friday, August 10, 2012

Rain Rain Never Go Away

Every-time when rain drops hit the ground, it just doesn't bring the smell of sand, it brings the smell of god, smell of  care , smell of love, smell of affection, smell of her !! My Juliet.

I haven't traveled sitting in the back seat of her scooty  
I haven't hugged her from back during rain 
I haven't read love story with her under a roof during a rainy night with a dim light 
I haven't seen her comb and set her hair after a drenched dance in a heavy rain .. 

Its just that rain brings all the lived moments , dream moments, moments we met for the first time , smell of her neck , eyes and lips , the moments we held hands and walked, the moment we went for our first movie, the moment we both celebrated her birthday with a little piece of chocolate cake .... It all comes and hits me in a single moment, the moment I am confused weather to laugh hard of weep deeply, but I am surviving just by the thought that she is fine somewhere with someone.

She and Rain have a kind of similarity , rain splashes in my face when i least expect it, so does she. Rain hugs be in public and gives me such happiness and so does she. When I expect rain, most of the days it would fail me by hiding somewhere, so does she..

All the cliches, all the moments, all the love, its still as fresh as a tree after rain. Does have any resemblance to the day we both fell in love and the same day rain splashed whole of our town and we got leave the next day . We had a cute fight weather Rain was so happy that we both are in love or did it do this coz its jealous of us and separated us for a while..

Now the sad part, the day we broke up, again came the rain. I shouted all the swear words in the streets, I still remember the day , we crossed each other for the first time without looking each other's eyes. Walking past each other as perfect strangers . We both knew we were crying, we both knew we need a hug , a passionate kiss , we turned back and I started to walk towards her but she just smiled and bit me a farewell and Never came back . . .

I was drenched there ...  Standing alone for the first time , just rain as my companion , Thinking of all the sweet nothings we had, the promises we made, the names we decided for our future kids, the silly fights , the late night conversation , the scribbled love letters, the never ending messages, the over sweet care towards each other , things which would need ten Wikipedia to compile and still we would have more .

Every time when i get a window seat in bus , when the first drop of rain hits my face, I just think of her hoping that she misses me as much as I do , People said loved failed. The truth is, we failed love :-) 

Every time I hear my heart praying "Rain Rain Never Go Away"