Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Live Life

Why do we live ?
Answers would be like
To make money 
To enjoy moments 
To achieve something 
To full fill the purpose of life 
To attain our goal ... bla bla bla 

But the untold and true answer would be to occupy space in some one's heart and mind. 
We may not frankly accept that but our secret desire would be to feel important to at-least someone in this world. A person to put up things , a person to share our ideas and thoughts, a person to help us when we are in need, a person to take care of us when we are sick and ill. 

But the question is how many of us are ready to be the person to be the someone who is ready and willing to do these above mentioned things to others? Others in the sense your dad, mom , friends , relatives, aunts and   uncles and grand parents or to some unknown person .. We need every attention in this earth but we wouldn't even acknowledge the effort people put in making our life and planet a suitable combo to live ..... 
Funny but True !!! 

One of my neighborhood has a girl who is been attacked by paralysis ans she cant walk properly, talk properly, sometimes she cant even eat her food properly. She doesn't go to college. She don't have much of friends either. People hardly recognize her sine she wouldn't come out coz of inferiority complex. But her mother would treat her like a princess. The way she would care her child, chance-less . I mean if our mother scolds us, its different prospective. Sometimes we don't get proper sleep on the days when our mother dint scold us !! But her mother is her world. So she would be affected much if her mother scolds or makes faces in front of her. I hared that it is been like this for twenty years now .. I feel shameful to accept the fact that I have shouted to my mother when she was bed ridden , I have scolded her when she was complaining of her ill health. Its not only me, but many of us, who would wait for an unknown girl in a spot for more than three hours, but who failed to be a proper son or daughter to our parents by ignoring our daily duties. 

A friend in need is a friend in deed . I seriously doubt the description of the word "Friend". Nowadays its like the person who gives more number of likes and posts good comments in your  timeline is termed as "best friend". How many of us are ready to accept the fact that we lost the soul of our friendship by our ego or by our foolishness or by our "care for nothing" attitude? I was txting to my old friend yesterday. We both could feel that we have changed a lot . I mean we used to fight for days without a reason, care each other , scold each other for skipping lunch and dinner, congratulate each other on our success . I asked her what happened b/w us ?? Her reply was like "I dint change , nor you . But our understanding surely did"......
(ppl around me are very gud writers always .. but you know am such a show off :P )

Trust is something that cant be fixed once its broken. We might have broken few hearts , failed some promises, our heart might be broken , our small wishes might not be fulfilled , we might be running behind our lives without even knowing why are we running. Life is full of competition, we must win this , achieve this or buy this within the given time .. Many descriptions for life ... 

Why don't we Enjoy the Path of this Journey called Life ?
Ask Sorry for all the broken promises and scrambled trust 
Forgive everyone with heart full of love who seek us 
Organize a meet of old friends and relatives often when you find time 
Take time to appreciate the loveliness of our mother nature ?? 

In Simple Terms "Why Dont We Live Life ?