Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time To Hear A Song

Whats there with a song ?
 It can bring tears 
Make us jump out in joy
Bring back all the memories we forgot 
Make us feel special
Give us the feeling of a warm hug when we think we are all lost and alone.. 

Power of the song and music is quite astonishing ...

Nowadays we have I phone i pod and all other accessories which helps us in making us music lovers and great bathroom singers. I have friends who keeps their ear phones in their ears all 24x7 and small kids would ask their mother that "Did this uncle was born like this with some thread in his ears?" All these FM stations, sound tracks are available to us within  our mobile phones or any other device which have become part of our metabolism in the recent past. We have tv anchors all the time with their fake smile in music channels ready to dedicate the particular song to some unknown face as if he is her husband, she would dedicate the song and kiss the camera.. Seriously is ur grandfather is the composer of that song and you simply dedicate it to some other fellow ?..  

Lets go back to the past... To the time when there were only recorded cassette and we  would wait in front of our TV for our favorite song to be played . The festival time would be overwhelming for the teenagers and for couple who are in love.Our Romeo would be a friend or some relative for of the fellow who is in-charge of the sound system in that function. He would bribe him or take him on friendship and play the favorite song of his love . Our  Juliet would be all blushing and smiling in her terrace having a look at our Romeo and kissing him in her dream duet. Few friends may like a particular song that they would tail the music system guy till he plays that song ..

No matter how strong you may be , sitting in the window seat of a bus and listen to your favorite melody would make you weep like a child .. Its just not the song , but the memories behind it . The people in it .
  A song would remind us about 

Epic moments with our love 
The moments with our friends 
The moment we spent with our parents 
The fight we had with our friends 
Our First Crush
Our mischief  
Our home 
Our victories 
Our failures  
Our sorrow 
Our relief  and many more ........

Every on of us will have our won favorite song and our own reasons for loving that song . Sometimes song may provide the relief to us, which any of our friends and relatives cant give us. We would hum a song for days, we would cry just by listening to a song . We would share a bond with a fellow just because he loves the songs that we do.

Only two things can unite us together no matter what is our caste, creed, nationality,language,sex...
Love & Music ..  
Love is our life 
Music is the heart of our life .. 

Its Time To Hear A Song .....