Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Letter To Chetan Bhagat

Dear sir,
this is a letter that must be written to you by your die hard fans like me. In the beginning, I dint have a good thought about you and I read your books for the confined sex scenes. One day, one of my crush suggested me to read 2 states. I went all the way from Mayajal to Thiruvanmayur to get your book. I decided to read your book within a single night to impress her. But as soon as I opened your book, I was lost in the flow. The first thing that I loved about your book was, there is no need to run for a dictionary every page. Next thing is about the sweet moments in your books. Slowly I became  your die hard fan and read all your books within the week. I couldn't flatter that girl but she introduced me to your books.

I was the one among the many who lined up on your book release in Chennai  I wanted to meet you so badly and let you know that my life is been divided into two parts. Before Chetan era and After Chetan era. I had tough times in my life like all others. I dint choose drinking and smoking because my dad couldn't afford much pocket money. So, I choose books. Your books to be precise. You inspired me by your style and easy go through English. You planted the seed of writing in me. I started reading many other authors but nothing gave an impact as your 2 States did. That was the only gift my girl friend (Ya she is just a crush) gave me.

Some 60 years back, all teenagers and youngsters were well versed in English with the help of RK Narayan. The same thing happened when you started your writing career. We got a person to celebrate. When guys who were really well versed in English were discussing Shakespeare and Nietzsche, we would be proudly discussing Chetan :-). Ya we were a bit lagging in English but you made us feel satisfied, proud and finally we were really discussing books.

Your easy going attitude helped us in getting girl friends, helping us to realize that it is OK not to be too serious about life. It is OK to be a last bencher, it is OK to think out of the box, it is OK to be someone who is not perfect. You made us realize that it is not the destination but the journey that matters the most. The most important part is, you inspired us to write. When a fellow starts to write, he decides to play his role as a citizen to perfection. The ratio is less, may be 1: 1000 but, this is just a beginning. Few teachers help students  to shape their career after reading your books. I was really touched after reading that you left your banking to dedicate your life for writing and lead our youth to shape our country, to change our destiny into something worth speaking, to believe in our-self that we can change this stupid education system and grab the collar of this stupid politicians and question them.

You are my role model. I really respect you, not only me, there are many youngsters out here who take you in our hearts and contribute our free time to the betterment of this nation. We do different things. We write, we dance, we do drama, we create fb page, we do different things which we consider that would help us to develop our country.

Thank you sir,
For helping us to survive in the dark,
For helping us to have self belief
For helping us to realize that English is just a language
For taking the first step in creating a better India. 


  1. he will read bro.. start writing books.. you are capable enough! ..let this be the 1st page of your book :) Dedication to your inspiration:)
