Monday, July 9, 2012

I Love You

When you are reading this post, somewhere in the part of this world , a Romeo would be proposing a Juliet.
Love, This is what keeps the earth rotating, people moving, Sun and Moon comes and goes in poet's masterpiece.

Said by a teenage Romeo to his Juliet 
Said by a Couple on the day of their engagement 
Said by a Husband to his Wife 
Grandpa to Grandma 
Uncle to Aunt 
Some Romeo to Some Juliet ..

No matter who ever it is I Love You is the only phrase which Makes both a person who says and listens to have goosebumps.
The only phrase that changes the way we look at the world from that moment
That Gives Million Butterflies
A Mini heart attack
Never ending joy
Fear about future
Love You  is the phrase that is the reason for millions of books  written, Thousands of movies made , Thousands of master piece created , Families made , civilization created , love made .. In short more than oxygen, necessary phrase for human survival .. 

Every human must have crossed this feel at-least once in his or her life .
Few in their school days
Few in their college days
Few in their jobs
Few after marriage  ...

But the saddest part of this I Love You is, Most of the time this Phrase would be left unsaid.
Reasons are many . Caste, Community, Financial commitment, Fear, Not enough courage to face the reality and they all known as One sided love. . .

As a law, 99% of the first loves never end in marriage. 1st love. No matter how busy you are, in what position you are in, how happy you are or how sad you are, this st love will cross your mind daily..
Every Time when we think of the moment when we fell in Love, that would bring butterflies in our stomach, despite or age , position, work or whatever .

There are few people who cheat themselves by saying "I hate love and lovers". Either their love would have not been succeeded or they havent met a person who would teach them what love is . .

One of my friend saves every-drop of her love for her husband. She dosent know who she is going to marry but every time when some guy proposes her, she would give an awesome smile and look down and tel that "Sorry, I cant marry any other fellow other than my dad's choice. So I will make him my dream boy , I would save everything I have got just for him, I want him as my First "I Love You" and as my last as well . I am his angel.

 Dream phrase of every guy to tell a girl who is worth it 
Dream phrase of every girl to be heard from a guy who means it .

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