Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shades of Happiness

We all might have felt this at some point of life . No matter the situation of our life is, we would feel "come on man I am happy now and lets kick ass". Again those moments are the only reason that we are alive today.
Standing in the gate of a local train and enjoying the wind rushing our face, when u have a bad day and returning home and your nephew or niece who is around two years old running towards you all smiling and throwing themselves with open arms, when you feel bad or low a phone call from our crush or best friend, when you have a mood off all of a sudden when the rain drops touch the ground and the smell of the sand ..
 I like to call these moments as shades of happiness.

I wonder why people spend thousands of bucks on those inspirational books and gadgets.  We find inspiration in nook and corner of our street. A differently abled youngster working as a server in hotel, A blind man selling books in the street book shop, an old lady selling fish-roast and soup in a platform shop. I usually say that am not worth enough, I havent got any opportunity or call me an unlucky fellow. But after seeing all these people , I feel special. I feel blessed . I feel charged up. 

The hardest part of life is that when people you know become people you knew. If we say a friend left us for a movie to go with his girl friend, what do you when your best buddy dont inform you on his placement and some third person comes and says "I was in a movie. That fellow called me six times to say that he got placed". I bet after such incidents, we feel something which definitely cant be described in words. Seriously, there are moments when some three lakh words fail to express. 

Have you ever noticed a girl crying in a bus ? A fellow listening to a song in his headphone and tears running down his cheek? A small kid sitting in a beach and observing the ocean and waves for a long time? Group of friends laughing like mad just by playing prank on some of their friends and they cant explain but to laugh their sock off . When a small kid tells his mom a story without words, that moment is worth more than a million dollar . 

Sadness is a feel that can be overcome by simple terms of life. We depend on others for our happiness. When someone doesn't do what we expect, we get upset . Never let the key of your happiness to be operated by other people. Learn from a kid to be happy for no reasons. 

We all have problems 
We all have goals 
We all have financial commitment 
We all have few pages of sorrow in our life 
We all have hurdles ... 

But we must never forget
We all have brain  our head
We all have feet in our shoes 
We can steer our-self in any direction we choose. 


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