The Thing Called "Self-Love"
So does all the love
stories begin and things fall in place and it is all "happily ever after"?
Nope. Literally, no. So what is the main ingredient in the recipe of successful
"Partner?" of course you need a partner for in a relationship.
"Money?" "Yeah the most important factor in life. Since I am a writer, I will simply say no no, money can't buy happiness, money can't create memories, money can't make people fall in love with you and stuffs and you will believe it. Okay?"
"Trust?" yeah but there is something more important than trust and other stuffs.
Fine tell us what it is!
"Self-Love". This is "THE MOST" important ingredient in the recipe called love.
"Partner?" of course you need a partner for in a relationship.
"Money?" "Yeah the most important factor in life. Since I am a writer, I will simply say no no, money can't buy happiness, money can't create memories, money can't make people fall in love with you and stuffs and you will believe it. Okay?"
"Trust?" yeah but there is something more important than trust and other stuffs.
Fine tell us what it is!
"Self-Love". This is "THE MOST" important ingredient in the recipe called love.
The thing is we have a partner or a spouse to love us! So why do we need this thing called self love?
Imagine you are suffering from inferiority complex. Will you have the guts to go and propose or accept a relationship? We will be always complaining that life is mean, I am suffering, I am in pain, I am so frustrated. So instead of giving the feeling of love to your partner, you make them feel like they are taking care of a very sick person who had lost all their hope and in the final stage of life expecting recruitment from heaven or hell real soon.
Here comes the question "If I don't share my problems with my spouse then who else is there for me? Where will I go?"
Awesome. You can and you must share it with your spouse but let’s not make it the only thing you share it with them.
"What do you mean? I don't understand"
"You have a financial crisis, your friendship is falling apart, your promotion is getting delayed and you have nothing to look forward to. Now we treat our spouse as if they are the reason far all the sufferings in our life. We promised that we will love them in all the situations. We will start judging them for their happiness, their personal time, their personal achievements".
So what does that "Self-Love" thing do? It helps us to understand ourselves. It keeps on reminding that "it is the situation that is bad, not our entire life”. We can concentrate on our positives. The small things that matters to us. We could spread love with a little self love.
We are not saying that you have to boast off about you or say stuffs to hurt others. Feel your positive side. The more we understand our inner fear, the more we acknowledge it, the more we try to stay positive even the adverse, that is when your heart skips a beat and when you look back, you will fall in love with yourself.
Simple explanation: When someone else point out our mistakes, we will get irritated and hate that person and hate ourselves more. So, when we have self love, we will understand that we are just human and we tend to make mistakes, We can forgive ourselves and learn from the mistakes and make ourselves evolve as a better person.
When you are all positive and happy and confident your partner will reflect it and your entire relationship will glow. Yeah it takes time. It need patience. It requires discipline and sacrifice. But it is all worth it!
With Love,
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