Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Book Review - Norwegian Wood By Haruki Murakami

Yes Finally, I have joined the Murakami Club. Well what can I say, a book that will give your soul a new kind of warmth and cozy feel ?  A book that would never let you sleep for at least a couple days once you are done with it? A book that you will cherish all your life or hate the writer once and for all? It is so hard to come to a conclusion .

The plot is just as it comes in all YA best sellers , a college guy, his love, a couple of love triangles, tragic loss of a loved one, facing the society on your own as you come off age, some trekking and sex scenes. But the words, wow ! I mean really WOW !!!

The title represents the song by Beetles , "Norwegian Wood", this book has a lot of references to songs and music and chord and stuffs. It is happening in the years 1965 - 1971 . A magical blend of music with the mood and the way the author describes the seasons, the minute detail to the backgrounds, the extensive detailed sketching of characters , the way the plot twits and turns , well it gives you the feel of reading a wonderfully written , soul wrenching sad poem that would cleanse your heart and soul and make you feel a heart felt content.

The entire novel is in the point of view of Toru Watanabe's point of view. The plot begins when he meets Nako, a long time girlfriend of his dead friend Kizuki. The death of his friend affects our Watanabe and he kind of runs away to tokyo, where he is a nobody. The books explains us how loneliness would affect someone and the pain of isolation , the way we handle the past grief, how some of us would come out of past trauma and how some of us couldn't.

The book is brutally honest, painful, sad, philosophical, depressed  well name any synonym of sadness, you have it there. And few graphical sex scenes but this book wont let you think all this kind of thing untill you finish the book, until you let out that anguished sigh of agony or relief or pain or empathy or pure rage after the last page of the book.

The characters are the heart and soul of the book. Conflict is an important part of this novel. The lead role is kind of an emotionally weak person in the beginning of the book as he can be easily be convinced by others . He grows stronger as the book progresses and in the end he can understand his life and he makes his own decisions.
Nest is Naoko - A beautiful but emotionally broken girl. She stands as the main pillar of the conflict in this book. She is confused and easily confuses Toru. When we read her, we get emotionally drained.
Midori - She is the most mysterious character. In the book she is portrayed as Toru's connection with the real world and she is the positivity element in the book , but seriously she sings and drinks beer when her neighbourhood is in fire .
Reiko - The woman who was hurting all her life suddenly decides she has had enough. This particular character teaches us the lesson pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

Have you ever loved someone so much that you wont let anyone else into your mind when you masturbate? Could you be friends with a girl when she is all drunk and hugging you in her own bed and you dont force her to make love? Have anyone in your life has been so selfish that they would want you to suffer just because they love you ? Have anyone asked you one thing after an intimate moment is just to never forget them ?  It rips your heart and soul apart. It does, this book does that to you.

Quotes :
“What happens when people open their hearts?"
"They get better.”

“Nobody likes being alone that much. I don't go out of my way to make friends, that's all. It just leads to disappointment. ”

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that

“I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it -- to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once. ” 

“Letters are just pieces of paper," I said. "Burn them, and what stays in your heart will stay; keep them, and what vanishes will vanish.” 

The whole book is so full of wonderful lines that at times I felt that I was reading poetry . 

Dont read this as your first book. May be your twenty fifth book? Fiftieth book would be awesome. 
I will never be the same person again. 

With love, 

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