Friday, April 19, 2013

My God!

Hello God,
                 How are you. My name is Aravind and I am a seafarer/ Writer/ Event Manager/ self pity fellow. Well you might know me in and out, ultimately you are the God right ? Now let me come to the point why I am writing this letter for you, out of no where. I wanted to talk to you for some past couple of weeks. Dont worry I am not going to blame you for all the drama in my life or ask you to grant me some miracles right now. It will be like some conversation between both of us, Just us. 

Firstly grant me the heart that forgets all the good deeds I have done others when they needed it the most.
Make me forgive people who promised that they would love me till the end and vanished all of a sudden.
Help me to have faith in my life, help me to believe that I have a destiny and a worthy destination.
Most importantly, please make me to forgive myself for all the things that are haunting my mind, make me realize that it is ok to comit mistakes and just make sure that I learn from them.

Dear God, I know that you are the ultimate power but I have a few thank you messages  for you. Firstly thank you for giving me so good friends who would not leave me all alone and desert me like other people's friends and who are so keen in my happiness and my life.
Thank you for giving me the best parents, who loves me more than anything else in this world when the whole world know that I am not worthy enough.
Thank you for putting the seed of writing in me, this really makes quite a magic in certain people life. They change, they love, they forgive, they see forgiveness after reading some of my works and thank me profoundly without knowing the fact that you are the one who makes me write all the good things that comes out of me.

It was yesterday eve that rained. I took a bike with my co-worker and we went a ride in that rain. We bought milk and I prepared coffee for all the fellow members in my office. We enjoyed the coffee with snack just sharing our nostalgia with everyone, just feeling your magic in nature. Enjoying the rainfall is the extrenal beauty which many people would seek, but I am talking about the opening up of our minds with our fellow human. The trust, the love, the magic, that is what I am talking about.

There are few things that every one of us must realize ( God, this is message part of my blog for humans, dont mistake that I am advicing you or something like that )
We are always surrounded by miracles, God's magic like colourful butterfly, a flower opening its petals, rainfall condensed form the clouds.
We are so busy searching the meaning of our lives that we leave out to enjoy the beauty of life, which is itself.
We are all having the privilege of feeling lucky, enjoying life, creating miracles and all other bliss , its just that we must love ourself. 
No matter what happens ,
No mater how many times we may fail,
No matter how life may push and pull, tear us apart , let us keep faith, if faith is not taking us anywhere , let us just take love and conquer the world with it.

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