Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Let's Be the Change - Rajsree Ramakrishnan

This is the third post in the series Let's be the change.  Today Miss. Rajsree Ramakrishnan is giving her review for the book Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. She is an Associate Signal Engineer . A vivid reader, wonderful friend , an introvert, a never give up personality.

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell - A Book Review

  “She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.”
This was my first interaction with the book “Eleanor and Park” , this words kind of  stuck a chord with me , with bright yellow cover page and girl with frizzy hair and a pair or earphones connecting them worked for me.
When I read the summary, it was let down , it seemed like a typical teenage love story and all that jazz, me being 23 to read the same didn’t make sense, nevertheless I gave it chance.
First and foremost , Rainbow Rowell  knows her character in and out, she will make you believe her characters are real and relatable , so relatable you might feel it’s you whom the author is referring to.
She will make you yearn for the those years of your life , where things were simpler and happiness were exchanging comics or probably making a mix tape for your significant other, it’s about your first love, the most pristine one , where you don’t have a yardstick to measure your love, no materialistic needs, you are not broken, you don’t even know what a broken heart is, you love without conditions like there is no tomorrow.
Eleanor being a plump red head girl and Park being a Asian lean boy wouldn’t be anybody’s choice of protagonist but Rainbow brings chemistry between them effortlessly , Eleanor dysfunctional family  and park’s more stable family but he struggles with approval of his father all something we have been through.
Rowell encaptures everything that a good romance should be, together with so much more. Everything is unwrapped from the awkwardness to the love. The ending left me craving so much more of it. The last page left me confused and a complete wreck. Honestly, it hurt, and I was left hoping that there was an epilogue that had gotten secretly ripped out of my copy.
With Regards, 
Rajasree Ramakrishnan 
She wrote this review with a very high viral fever. 
You can contact her trough this mail id: rajasree.ramakrishnan@gmail.com

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