You might be fighting depression or the person next to you might be. With lot of gadgets, internet, the world is becoming too small but the distance between people keeps on increasing. So, the longing to be accepted, the carving to be celebrated, the desire to be a star and celebrity creates a huge self demand. Till here, we are on the right track. Self demand pushes us more, it makes things look achievable , it boosts our self confidence. The actual problem arises when the demand is not met with your self supply. If the results are not as promising as the dreams were, we get on to defensive mode. That's were it all begins.
We lock ourselves away from the world. Self sympathy, abandonment , loss of hope, despair, giving up on people , on relationships, on life. We are forced to complicate life . Being yourself isn't interesting anymore. We tend to look for reasons to be sad, we count of misfortunes, people who left us, things that didn't turn out as planned. etc, instead of counting our blessings, people who always stay no matter what, experience that made you wise and skillful.
The exact technical definition for the term depression is" Feelings of severe despondency and dejection" . Now what is despondency ? Feeling low. Let it be about your job, about your life, about your partner , about your principles , about your ideas, about your ambition. We just would feel low. Now we can't just say that "Hello, you have depression , why don't you stop thinking negative thoughts , instead go with positive, self motivating thoughts , eat healthy, workout and take good care of yourself and booom !! You are perfectly alright . It wont go that way.
But expert tells us that blaming others for our depression will also be not fruitful. I am so depressed because of my colleagues , because of my spouse, because of this society , because of God. The first hard fact we have to understand and keep in mind is that "We are replaceable". As simple as that. You might be the best worker , but the moment you quit, your company wont shut down or its share wont crash , they will put someone in your place. When you stop being a best friend to someone, they don't die, they live, they find new friends, they move on. The same with your ex. They move on in life but we get stuck. We don't even know what is wrong, all we experience is just the pain, sense of despair and self- hatred.
Now , let us not state that "Is this even an issue ? Millions of people suffer due to war, natural calamities, share market loss, accidents , sudden loss . They can be branded as people who suffer, people who need help. But what is there to worry about someone who is just sad? " . The answer is, all the above mentioned disasters are really painful and we feel sorry for every one of the individual who is going through this. But all these things show themselves. People can see and feel and understand that something is wrong . But depression , only the person who is suffering through that, will know. .
Depression is usually branded as late night insomnia , crying on listening to songs, seeing old pics and nostalgic feelings and sufferings . It is not. It is a state of mind. It cant be cured my some medicine or some doctor. The only cure for this depression is realizing your self worth.
Let us not get into deep medical terms. Let us look at certain things that will help us fight depression.
Stay Positive,
Stay Motivated,
Life is Beautiful,
With Love,
You might be fighting depression or the person next to you might be. With lot of gadgets, internet, the world is becoming too small but the distance between people keeps on increasing. So, the longing to be accepted, the carving to be celebrated, the desire to be a star and celebrity creates a huge self demand. Till here, we are on the right track. Self demand pushes us more, it makes things look achievable , it boosts our self confidence. The actual problem arises when the demand is not met with your self supply. If the results are not as promising as the dreams were, we get on to defensive mode. That's were it all begins.
We lock ourselves away from the world. Self sympathy, abandonment , loss of hope, despair, giving up on people , on relationships, on life. We are forced to complicate life . Being yourself isn't interesting anymore. We tend to look for reasons to be sad, we count of misfortunes, people who left us, things that didn't turn out as planned. etc, instead of counting our blessings, people who always stay no matter what, experience that made you wise and skillful.
The exact technical definition for the term depression is" Feelings of severe despondency and dejection" . Now what is despondency ? Feeling low. Let it be about your job, about your life, about your partner , about your principles , about your ideas, about your ambition. We just would feel low. Now we can't just say that "Hello, you have depression , why don't you stop thinking negative thoughts , instead go with positive, self motivating thoughts , eat healthy, workout and take good care of yourself and booom !! You are perfectly alright . It wont go that way.
But expert tells us that blaming others for our depression will also be not fruitful. I am so depressed because of my colleagues , because of my spouse, because of this society , because of God. The first hard fact we have to understand and keep in mind is that "We are replaceable". As simple as that. You might be the best worker , but the moment you quit, your company wont shut down or its share wont crash , they will put someone in your place. When you stop being a best friend to someone, they don't die, they live, they find new friends, they move on. The same with your ex. They move on in life but we get stuck. We don't even know what is wrong, all we experience is just the pain, sense of despair and self- hatred.
Now , let us not state that "Is this even an issue ? Millions of people suffer due to war, natural calamities, share market loss, accidents , sudden loss . They can be branded as people who suffer, people who need help. But what is there to worry about someone who is just sad? " . The answer is, all the above mentioned disasters are really painful and we feel sorry for every one of the individual who is going through this. But all these things show themselves. People can see and feel and understand that something is wrong . But depression , only the person who is suffering through that, will know. .
Depression is usually branded as late night insomnia , crying on listening to songs, seeing old pics and nostalgic feelings and sufferings . It is not. It is a state of mind. It cant be cured my some medicine or some doctor. The only cure for this depression is realizing your self worth.
Let us not get into deep medical terms. Let us look at certain things that will help us fight depression.
Stay Positive,
Stay Motivated,
Life is Beautiful,
With Love,
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