Monday, June 26, 2017

Broken Heart Syndrome

This "Broken Heart Syndrome" is some serious issue which we know that it could lead to death at certain point but we choose to let life happen. If you look at it's definition in medical terms "Broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition that is often bought on by stressful situations" and in simple terms it is the heart's reaction to the surge of stress hormones.

See in practical terms, the basic reason for this kind of situation arises from "Expectation". This does not necessarily be the result of love failure or broken marriage or physical abuse. This might come just from unfulfilled expectations. Basically very small and pity things and scenarios where the human value concerned is really high, way more than we can handle.

Let's see some practical examples,

1. When you are not the priority of someone who is the world to you.
2. When we look forward for a particular situation (ex: an outing with your best mates) and play that a million times in your head and you even imagine the conversations that would have happened in the scene.
3. When you try so for something/someone and we believe that the goal is within our reach but the result is otherwise.
4. When we constantly compare ourselves to someone else.
5. When we have given our everything but somethings are always out of our league.

When we compare genocide, poverty, sexual abuse, accidents , etc this "Broken heart syndrome" is nothing. But in this scenario we wont even understand that we are the victim. I have seen a lot of people say "You don't have any real troubles, so you can be sad for all this kind of stupid reasons. You won't act like this if you face real life problems".  Ladies and gentlemen, this is real life problem. Unreal expectations, feeling of no is actually there for me, when you are unable to find a release point for all your stress, "I am not good enough" thoughts, will someone stop me if I leave ?  many more scenarios we can explain.

The problem is we choose to play the victim. If someone doesn't even bother to treat you as a human and we would give our soul and life for them, how can you blame your life or that person who is exploiting you for that matter of fact ? You teach people that it is okay to make fun of you, that it is okay to let you down and treat you like shit any number of times and you still would be there for them. You use all your energy, thoughts and resources on people who wont even bother to know if you are alive and still complain that life is unfair ?

If we look at the solution for this problem,
1. Make yourself a priority.
2. Walk away from people or place which threatens your peace of mind/ self respect.
3. Have a dream or goal and work your ass off for that.
4. Have a hobby that involves a mind activity .
5. Be the best version of you.

We understand that no one could love them as much as you do. No one could understand their mood as well as you do . No one could care about their feelings like you do .

But the question is , will they even consider doing half of what you already did ?
One sided too much love , care, affection and understanding mentally destroys us.
Life is short. Live it by chasing your dreams not people.
Now don't come saying "That person is my life , my dream and my everything. Without them I can't even imagine me". We both know you are lying.
Wake up. Live life. Pat a shoulder. Spread smiles . Inspire people. Make this earth a better place.
Broken heart syndrome is for people who have given up life.
Have you ? If so, take a paper and write things you love about yourself.

If you don't have anything to write, it is time to create somethings.
If you have written something, master it.

With love,

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