Thursday, June 13, 2013

Having a Tough Time?

Having a Tough Time?
Wow! Thats good. Coz, you are out there in search of something, you are ready to come out of your comfort zone and work your ass off, you are willing to struggle, undergo hardship to achieve something. May it be your ambition, your soul, your love or whatever it may be you are ready to face life and learn something and be a better person than you were yesterday !

Tough times reveal true friends
Tough times makes you stronger
Tough times make you believe in yourself
Tough times shake you but they make you! To damn with all these quotes.
Tough Times MAkes you your own hero ! It makes you believe that you can cross the strom, it makes you understand that your life has a purpose and makes you act responsible.

Happy times bring back memories, how much we were happy with our old friends, relatives, teachers, loved ones, blah blah. But tough times makes you look forward. It makes you believe in the magic moment, it pushes your life forward, it teaches you the most important lessons in your life, even if we dont want to learn them. We must always remember that failure is not the opposite of success but always a part of it.

Revealing friends is really a gift of your tough times. You know, when you dont even know how to behave, how to handle things, when nothing goes on your way, when you are fed up of everybody, all you wana do is sit in a grumpy atmosphere an feel sorry for yourself , there comes an angel , yeah your best buddy!
How are you ?
Life sucks .
whats wrong ?
Everything is wrong, we cant trust anybody in this god damn earth.
Tell me whats wrong ?
Why arent you picking up my calls?
Leave me alone.
I am not quitting till you eat.
What s that for you? Who are you ? Just mind your businees!
Are you done with your speech, now fucking eat!
Dont make me hate you to the core, all I need is to be alone.
I dont care , now eat.
I wont
I am calling your parents
Why are you doing this to me?
I have dialled the number, you gona eat or what ?
The moment you eat the food with tears in your eyes and hating the person on the other end of the phone but somehow smiling inbetween your sobs thinking that your friend knows your exact weakspot and using it to make you eat , thats the moment you understand friendship! understand life !

Go through all the shit without moaning and complaining . Put your head down and think of a random inspirational shit. It differs form person to person. Music, books, food, girls, boobs, whatever. Hold down till you go through it. One day, the rain will stop, the sun will shine, one day you will be able to lift your head and shout at the god damn world who made you so inferior to your own eyes. But dont do that. Just go infront of a mirror , look into your eyes, smile and just say that "I made it "

Life is beautiful,
Enjoy it !
With love,
Arvi ! 

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