Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Hobbit - Book Review

Certain books can't be reviewed. Not because they aren't worth it but simply we wont find the right words to explain a very good book. Such is "The Hobbit" written by JRR Tolkien, published in the year 1937 which is approximately my grandmother's date of birth. If a book can survive two world wars and excite you the same way it did some 80 years ago, I seldom need to say it is a good book.

The book begins at Mr.Bilbo Baggins's hole , where he is relaxed in his cozy arm chair having his coffee when Mr.Gandolf enters. You would love the way the simple term "Good Morning" is explained in this chapter. It is intellectual yet so simple. The entire book is awesome. Yeah the plot travels a lot, they go from place to place , meet different sort of people(not exactly people, I say) . We goblins, Wizard magic, A very large bear , wolves, eagles, a king who imprisons  Thorin & Co by mistake, lake men, dragon, dangerous journey , wealth, revenge , betrayal , seeking forgiveness, friendships, reality , what not ? Taking such a complex plot is fine but the entire book is stitched with such a wonderful simplicity, that is the success of the book and the author.

Tolkien succeeds in expressing the human failures, our limitations and certain nature without any self sympathy or sad note. He explains everything just as a matter of fact. It is a very welcome change from the fictions in which  the super hero and the super villain would do a great fight, with some sentimental finish , with the aura of self sacrifice for the better days of the world. The words Thorin says on his death bed " There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world" words about the lead role of the book. Just a normal person with normal flaws and expectations. 

Of-course this is a fiction and the hero is shown as the person who does the impossible all the time with luck with the help which was there just because he was lucky.But the character of the hero stands out . He is so simple, power and wealth hardly thrills him, he takes lesser than he is entitled and gave away that small prize too. He was imprisoned by mistake still he wouldn't hold any grudge, instead he asks for the forgiveness from the king for steeling the food., he tries to make peace and avoid death and destruction.

Saying all this, there is a let down in the book. You could somehow guess that they will escape as the hero always gets lucky. But the narration covers it up for this. If you are going to gift a book to any kid, let it be "The Hobbit". Let their literary world begin with the hobbit. The would learn good morale and manners , human nature and magic. You would plant the seeds of reading in the next generation. If you haven't read it, please do. Because it is faaaaaaantasic!

You can always give 9.5/10 for "The Hobbit"

Life is Beautiful,
With Love,

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